
Oxfordshire                                                                      All photos by Hetty

3rd August 2024 – A day in Oxford

First we followed a perimeter walk of the castle. The first part of Oxford Castle was built in 1071-73 on the mound. The castle became a prison in the Civil War, but was largely destroyed afterwards. A new castle was completed in 1805 and it became HM Prison Oxford in 1888 until it closed in 1993.

The square tower is St George’s Tower, the oldest remaining part of the castle

It was graduation day, so it was very busy

Balliol College, University of Oxford

Trinity College was open for visitors

Inside Trinity College’s chapel


A “free” walking tour is a good way to see Oxford and hear about the university, which has 43 collecges

The Weston Library

Left – Sheldonian Theatre, designed by Sir Christopher Wren, built 1664-69, now an assembly room of the university.

Right – Museum of the history of science

Sheldonian Theatre and Clarendon Building (1711-13)

Bridge of Sighs, New College Chapel

The Old Bodleian Library is the main research library

Statue of 3rd Earl of Pembroke at Old Bodliean Library – Chancellor of the University of Oxford 1617 to 1630.

Left – The Radcliffe Camera, built 1737-49, a reading room of the Bodleian Library since 1860

Right – All Souls College, University of Oxford

St Mary’s church – the spire was added in the 1320s



Christ  Church college

Merton College.

Magdalen Tower

Left – A Saxon tower (built 1040) and a timber framed building from 14th century

There is an Ox Trail this summer

In Westgate shopping centre (left) and the covered market (right)

All images on the website copyright of HettyHikes.co.uk

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